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Quick Questions

What is this?

PreBook is an NTLite preset designed to be a stripped down base Windows for applying AME playbooks.

What is this for?

This is for if you want to install some AME playbook, but want a slimmer starting Windows (or base) designed to suit your needs. You can also use this standalone to have a lighter version of stock Windows.

What is supported?

Windows 10 and 11 Pro and Home (Pro strongly recommended, Home support is patchy at best).

Where can I get it?

You can download the latest builds from GitHub Releases.

Who made this?

Asterisk and conaN.


The playbook originally came about when conaN created an NTLite preset for a minimalistic base ISO that AtlasOS could be applied onto. I wanted to check it out, so he sent me a list of changes, which I compiled into a preset for Windows 10 (he had one for Windows 11).

Now Jack (AtlasOS maintainer/owner) wouldn't let us send presets in the discord, so we thought bigger, and PreBook came out of that.

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